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Site map

See Home, Index for details in alphabetical format.

Overview (main page headings)
A+ blogs (a blogroll)
Book news, reviews, and author interviews
Books for book groups
Books for writers and editors
Great search links (fact-finding, fact-checking, conversion tables, and news and info resources)
Memoirs (recommended reads) See also section on Memoir, biography, and corporate history (the craft of)
Narrative nonfiction (long-form journalism, e-singles, online aggregators)

Acquiring, selling, and swapping books
Agents and book proposals
Book collaboration and ghostwriting
Collaboration and ghostwriting
Communicating and marketing online (Web 2.0--Blogs, social media, SEO, podcasts, survey tools, and online games)
Freelancing, contracting, telecommuting (creative entrepreneurs)
Getting published (starting out)
Great covers sell books, but what makes for a great cover?
Job banks, publishing marketplaces
Marketing, publicity, promotion (blogs, video, intelligent radio programs)
Publishing (and e-publishing)
Secrets of successful book titles and covers
Self-publishing and print on demand (POD, indie publishing, digital publishing)
So, You Want to Write a Book! (Sarah Wernick, updated)

Adding images, sound, story, humor, animation (maps, graphs, cartoons, audio and visual storytelling, songs--visualizing data)
Awards, grants, and fellowships (plus contests and other sources of funding)
Conferences, workshops, and other learning places for writers (including book fairs, writers colonies, residencies, retreats)
Corporate and technical communications
(Copywriting, speechwriting, marketing, training, and writing for government)
Fiction writing (literary and commercial, including genre)
Films, plays, and documentaries
Journalism and journalists
Local and regional organizations and events
Major writers organizations
Mastering multimedia (writing, reporting, equipment, software)
Media pros and other allied professionals (translators, indexers, designers, photographers, artists, illustrators, animators, cartoonists, image professionals, composers)
Memoir, biography, and corporate history
Nonfiction (including essays, academic writing, and food writing)
Poetry and verse
Science and medical writing
Specialty and niche writing (groups for writers who specialize in animals, children's books, food, gardens, family history, resumes, sports, travel, webwriting, and wine, etc.)
The writing life

For editors, proofreaders and other publishing professionals
The difference between a preface, a foreword, and an introduction And the parts of a book: in what order do they appear?
Style, grammar, diction (editing yourself and others)
Tips on tact and tone (and the author-editor relationship)


Copyright, work for hire, and authors' rights issues (fair use, contracts, reversion of rights, Google Books settlement, etc.)
Ethics, libel, and freedom of the press (plus privacy, plagiarism, libel, banned books, media watchdogs, FOIA, protection for whistleblowers)


Book collaboration, ghostwriting

Being paid to help others write their books

Freelancing, contracting, telecommuting

practical tips for the creative entrepreneur

Local and regional organizations and events

and state and local awards

Narrative nonfiction

(creative or literary nonfiction)

Style, grammar, diction

Style guides and references, punctuation, right and wrong words, & other resources

Acquiring, selling, and swapping books
Adding images, sound, story, humor, animation (maps, graphs, cartoons, audio and visual storytelling, songs--visualizing data)
Agents and book proposals
Authors' rights and publishers' rights grabs
Amazon versus book publishers (Do writers win or lose?)
The art of the pitch
Arts and poetry organizations
Author interviews (venues for)
Awards, grants, and fellowships (plus contests and other sources of funding)

Banned books
Blog roll
Blogs, news roundups, and watchdogs for writers and editors
Book covers: Great covers sells books, but what makes for a great cover?
Book covers: Secrets of successful covers and titles
Book fairs, festivals, conferences, and colonies
Book news, reviews, and author interviews
Book proposals
Books for book groups

Clearing rights and finding rights holders
Collaboration agreements
Collaboration and ghost writing
Conferences, workshops, and other learning places for writers
Content curation
Content marketing and custom publishing
Contract terms for books (including reversion of rights and indemnity clauses)
Copyright: How, why, and when to register it
Copyright issues, documents, FAQs, and explanations
Copyright, work for hire, and authors' rights issues
Corporate and organizational histories (commissioned histories)
Corporate and technical communications
Communicating and marketing online (Web 2.0 and social media)
Conferences, workshops, and other learning places (including book fairs, writers colonies, residencies, retreats)
Crowdfunding and other creative sources of funding

Defamation, libel, and slander
The difference between a preface, a foreword, and an introduction
The differences between mysteries, suspense novels, and thrillers

Ebook basics
Ebook prices and price wars
Ebook devices and platforms (publishing services)
Ebook subscription services
Editing checklists
Editors and publishing professionals (resources and organizations for)
Errors and error rates in editing
Essays, personal
Ethics, libel, and freedom of the press (plus rights of privacy, publicity, plagiarism, censorship, and related issues)
Eulogies and video tributes

Fact-checking sites
Fair use: what it is, how it works
Fees for freelancing (how much to charge for various functions, products)
Fiction writing
Films, plays, and documentaries
Food writing
Freelancing, contracting, telecommuting (creative entrepreneurs)

Getting published (starting out)
Ghostwriters: how much and how they charge
Ghostwriting and collaboration (books
Ghostwriting (fiction)
Ghostwriting (medical)
Grant funding and grant proposal writing
Great brick and mortar bookstores
Great search links

Health insurance and disability insurance
HIPAA, electronic health records, medical privacy laws, and patient rights
Historical novels, about
How much to charge (for various functions and types of product)
How much editors and other publishing professionals charge
How to calculate your effective hourly rate (EHR)
How to deal with warranty and indemnification clauses
How to set your prices as a freelancer or consultant

Income tax, home office deductions, and IRS how-to's
Indemnification clauses, how to deal with
Indexing: why and how
Indexing, books and sites on
Interviewing (journalistic, artful)

Job banks and publishing marketplaces
Journalism and journalists

Kinds of editors and levels of edit
Liability and property insurance
Library sites and portals
Local and regional writers organizations

Macro tools and editing software for editors and proofreaders
Macros etc. for references, citations, footnotes and endnotes
Major writers organizations (see also Organization for specific types of writers)
Marketing, publicity, and promotion
Marketing your editing and proofreading services
Mastering multimedia
Media perils and liability insurance
Media pros and allied professionals (translators, indexers, designers, photographers, artists, illustrators, animators, cartoonists, image professionals, composers)
Medical ghostwriting and ethical issues in medical publishing
Memoir, biography, and corporate history (and various forms of life writing)
Memoirs (recommended reading lists)
Memoirs, coming of age (recommended reading list)
Memoirs and personal accounts of vocation, avocation, occupation, profession, "calling" (in other words, work)
Memoirs of regular people (and lives lived outside the limelight)
Memoirs of friendship, family, and other relationships
Memoirs, graphic
Memories and biographies, food-related
Memoirs of illness, crisis, disability, differentness, and survival
MFA literary fiction vs. NYC
Microsoft Word macros and shortcuts
Mysteries, suspense, thrillers, and crime novels, including The difference between mysteries, suspense novels, and thrillers

Narrative nonfiction and long-form journalism, sites and resources
Narrative nonfiction (classic examples in book form)
Narrative nonfiction (excellent online examples, short-form)
Narrative nonfiction (books on the craft, including useful anthologies)
Narrative nonfiction (resources))
Nonfiction (including essays, academic writing, and food writing)
Novels and novelists (and shorter fiction)

Online games to engage the brain (including learning games for people with cognitive deficits)
Organizations and sites for biographers, memoirists, personal historians, and other life story writers
Organizations for corporate, government, and technical communicators
Organizations for editors, proofreaders, and indexers
Organizations for fiction writers and fans
Organizations for ghostwriters and collaborators
Organizations for journalists
Organizations for media pros and allied professionals (translators, indexers, designers, photographers, artists, illustrators, animators, cartoonists, image professionals, composers)
Organizations for medical and science writers
Organizations for publishers and booksellers
Organizations for screenwriters, playwrights, documentary filmmakers, and critics
Organizations for sports journalists and editors
Organizations for translators and interpreters
Organizations for travel writers

Paris Review interviews with fiction writers
Poetry and verse
Preface, foreword, or introduction--what's the difference?
Pricing strategies for creative professionals
Print-on-Demand (POD) (digital publishing)
Procrastination, writer's block, creativity, and time and effort management
Privacy, online privacy, and invasion of privacy
Publishing (books and ebooks)
Publishing (books and ebooks)
Publishing (self-publishing and print on demand, or POD)
Query letters (pitches) to land an agent or book publisher
Query letters (pitches) for magazines and newspapers

Radio programs and podcasts (especially from public radio)
Recommended for book clubs
Recording phone interviews
Reversion of rights to author vs. Rights in perpetuity to publisher
Rights and permissions (clearing rights in visual arts, in music and sound, and in books, scripts, and screenplay)
Rights: Authors' rights (and publishers' rights grabs)
Rights and contracts for academic authors

Sample contracts and agreements for services
Scams, bad deals, and other ways to lose money (vanity/​subsidy publishing, subsidy presses, and author mills)
Science and medical writing
Self-Publishing (indie publishing)
Self-publishing and print on demand (POD)
Shield laws
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, social networking)
So, you want to write a book (Sarah Wernick)
Specialty and niche writing
Standing and adjustable-height desks and walkstations
Starting Out (getting published)
Storytelling venues
Style, grammar, and diction (editing yourself and others)
Style guides, basic
Style guides, online
Style guides and dictionaries, discipline- and situation-specific (print and online)
Style and grammar books
Subject specialties (animals, autos, bowling, children's books, food, gardens, family history, jazz, résumés, sports, travel, website, wine writing, etc.)'

Talk shows, radio and TV (the best shows for authors, readers, thinkers)
Technical writing and editing (technical communications)
Textbook and academic authors
Tips on tact and tone (for editors)
Tools for writers and editors
Training in editing, proofreading, publishing
Translators and interpreters, associations for
Translators and interpreters, for and about
Travel writing
The truth about print-on-demand (POD) publishing

Veterans writing groups and projects

Well-designed authors' websites (scroll left column)
What book doctors and consulting editors do
What editors, copyeditors, and proofreaders do (kinds of edits and levels of edit)
Where to find editorial work
Work for hire (aka Works made for hire)
The writing life
Writing white papers