History may be changing now as profoundly as it changed when Gutenberg introduced print, writes William Cronon, president of the American Historical Association. In a thought-provoking essay, The Public Practice of History in and for a Digital Age, Cronon writes that for "those of us in the humanities, the essence of a university consisted of Read More
Writers and Editors (RSS feed)
Audio-recording equipment, software, tools and tutorials
January 3, 2012
Newcomers to interviewing often ask about audio equipment, software, tools and tutorials for interviewing and editing. Here are a couple dozen links to resources I've found useful:
• Audio Tools (Transom Tools, a showcase and workshop for New Public Radio) Read More
• Audio Tools (Transom Tools, a showcase and workshop for New Public Radio) Read More
Heavy investment in digital to save The Atlantic
June 11, 2010
The struggling magazine with a historic brand has structured a comeback around "creating a solid brand identity; a digital-first strategy; building a marketing services operation; expanding live events; and maintaining a relentless focus on hiring top talent," writes Bill Mickey in Behind The Atlantic's Brand Reinvention (Audience Development, June 9, 2010). Atlantic media president Justin Smith, in his keynote address at the Folio: Show, was reported as saying The Atlantic's brand had suffered from a lack of definition. It's new tagline, "Brave Thinking," defines the brand's essence. Read More