Young things aspiring to work as interns on fashion magazines or elsewhere in media might want to read Jessica Testa's story about ex-Harper's Bazaar intern Jessica Wang, (The Woman Who Could Bring Down Fashion Internships) (Buzzfeed, Sept 2012). Wang is suing Harper's Bazaar. Bottom line; interns on fashion magazines schlep expensive goods around town for little or no money, sometimes benefiting from perks such as closeness to famous names in the industry, but not Read More
Writers and Editors (RSS feed)
Heavy investment in digital to save The Atlantic
June 11, 2010
The struggling magazine with a historic brand has structured a comeback around "creating a solid brand identity; a digital-first strategy; building a marketing services operation; expanding live events; and maintaining a relentless focus on hiring top talent," writes Bill Mickey in Behind The Atlantic's Brand Reinvention (Audience Development, June 9, 2010). Atlantic media president Justin Smith, in his keynote address at the Folio: Show, was reported as saying The Atlantic's brand had suffered from a lack of definition. It's new tagline, "Brave Thinking," defines the brand's essence. Read More