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Highlights of Donald Trump's First Term

Notes from an interactive New York Times Opinion piece

See it for specific dates, photos, and fuller copy


"For Americans who may have forgotten that time, or pushed it from memory, we offer this timeline of his presidency. Mr. Trump's first term was a warning about what he will do with the power of his office — unless American voters reject him."


Check out the article, click on headlines there for full copy, and see abundant photos here: Donald Trump's First Term (NY Times, 7-18-24). As you read, picture what was happening when he says or does the following (lines from the Times article, my bolds added):


(2017) What Trump does or says...
Jan.     "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period."

           Tries to defund sanctuary cities in an effort to ramp up deportations.

           The Muslim ban. In an executive order, Mr. Trump, without warning, closes the U.S. border to refugees fleeing war in Syria and several mostly Muslim countries.          

Feb.     Abandons a decades-long commitment to a two-state solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

May     Fires the F.B.I. director, James Comey, who was leading an investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

           Reveals highly classified intelligence to Russian officials.

Spring  Tries to get the Justice Department to prosecute Hillary Clinton and Mr. Comey.

           Initiates family separations [of immigrants] by executive order.

           Rages against immigrants, saying those from Haiti all have AIDS.
June    Tries to fire the special counsel Robert Mueller over the Russia investigation.
           Sends his son-in-law to negotiate Middle East peace.
July     Announces a ban on transgender people in the military.
Aug.    Trump makes his infamous comments after white nationalist groups hold a march in Charlottesville, Va., that involves waving Confederate  flags and swastikas and chants of "Jews will not replace us." One person died, and dozens were injured at the rally. Talking out of both sides of his mouth, Trump says, "You had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.”

Oct.     Throws paper towels to Puerto Ricans after a deadly hurricane. 

Dec.     Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, upending decades of U.S. policy.

           Cuts taxes for corporations and the wealthy, sending the budget deficit skyrocketing.


Jan.       Trump to CNN reporter: "I'm a very stable genius."

             Wants more immigrants from Norway instead of "shithole" countries.

             Reaps financial benefits from a diplomatic crisis in the Persian Gulf.

March    Brags about making up facts in meetings with foreign leaders.

April      Flip-flops on sanctions for Russia over its role in Syria's chemical weapons program.

May       Unilaterally pulls out of the Iran nuclear deal.

May       Closes pandemic preparedness unit. [!!]

             Insults NATO allies.

Summer Escalates the trade war with China, necessitating billions of dollars to fix the domestic damage.
July       Sides with Vladimir Putin over American intelligence agencies on Russian election interference.
Sept.     Lies about hurricane deaths.
Oct.      Continues to use his personal iPhones after warnings that they are not secure.
Nov.      Calls American soldiers "losers" and "suckers."
Dec.      Instigates the longest government shutdown ever.
            The E.P.A. proposes weakening regulations on power plants that restrict the release of mercury, which can cause brain damage.

Feb.      Moves to appoint a climate change denier to lead a climate security panel.
            Declares national emergency to get money for border wall.
March   Suggests shooting migrants in the legs to slow them down.
            Continues to attack John McCain after his death.
            Reverses North Korea sanctions by tweet … maybe.
May      Proposes ending federal health rights protections for transgender people.
June     Says he would accept opposition research from Russia.
            Takes his daughter to a G20 summit.
            Steps into North Korea.
July      Pressures Ukraine's newly elected president, Volodymyr Zelensky, for "a favor": to investigate Mr. Biden's activities in the country.
Aug.     Postpones meeting with Denmark when he learns it's not interested in selling Greenland.
            Proposes regulation that would allow indefinite detention of migrant families.
Sept.    Insists, over meteorologists' objections, that Alabama will be hit by Hurricane Dorian.

            Possibly alters a map from NOAA to prove he's right.
Nov.     Reverses four decades of U.S. policy by declaring that Israeli settlements in the West Bank do not violate international law.
Dec.     Becomes the third president in the history of the United States to be impeached, on charges related to his interactions with Mr. Zelensky (see Constitution Annotated for outcome, explained).


Jan.     Rolls back school nutrition rules promoted by Michelle Obama — to fewer vegetables, more pizza.
           Announces a Middle East peace plan that heavily favors Israel.

Feb.     Downplays Covid-19.
March   Botches the early Covid-19 response — sometimes deliberately.
April     Pushes hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug, as a Covid treatment.
           Pushes bleach, toxic to humans, as a Covid treatment.
May:    Pressures the Justice Department into dropping a Russia-related case
June:   "When the looting starts, the shooting starts."
July:    Defends Confederate flag.
Aug:    Praises QAnon at a news conference.
Sept:   Refuses to commit to a peaceful transfer of power.
           Hosts a Covid-19 superspreader event at the White House.
          "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by."
Oct:     Receives an experimental Covid treatment not yet widely available, calls it a "cure."
Nov:    Lies about winning the election.
           Fires the defense secretary in the wake of his election loss.
           Withholds briefings from Mr. Biden's team.
           Tries to overturn Michigan's results.

Dec.    Threatens to veto coronavirus aid.
           Vetoes annual military spending bill.



Jan.     January 6. "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

           Mr. Trump's lies about a stolen election culminate in a mob storming the Capitol, targeting his vice president, in order to stop the certification of the 2020 election.

              Mr. Trump takes no action for hours. At least seven people die in connection with the attack, and dozens of others are injured.

           Trump impeached again...the "first president in the history of the United States to be impeached twice."

           Tries to overturn Georgia's election result.


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