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Writers and Editors (RSS feed)

The danger of a single story (Chimamanda Adichie's Ted Talk)

Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Read More 
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The Lifespan of a Fact (truth, fact-checking, and art)

Online you can follow a virtual debate about truth vs. facts: In the Details: "The Lifespan of a Fact" by John D’Agata and Jim Fingal. Jennifer B. McDonald's review, in the NY Times Book Review (2-26-12), starts: "This book review would be so much easier to write  Read More 
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Things you should know about

Some things are changing radically and some are staying very much the same. New and interesting: Kickstarter has drawn more than enough funding for a project called Love Ever After. Kickstarter is interesting both for concept and process. Here, the project Read More 
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Tom Benjey's run with print-on-demand self-publishing

Guest post by Tom Benjey

Major publishing houses have been using POD technology for some time to keep their backlist titles in print. POD technology allows books to be printed digitally one a time, thus relieving the publisher of the cost of printing a batch of books and having capital tied up in them until they sell. The small capital investment required to publish books via POD technology also makes it possible for an author to become a publisher  Read More 
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New iBook software's greedy grab for exclusive rights

Thanks to Robin Rowlands (The road to serfdom: Use Apple software ) for alerting us to the fact (widely discussed among techies) that deep within the license agreement for the excellent new iBook software is a clause stating that if you use the free software to create an ebook that you plan to sell (not give away) you are bound exclusively to Apple. Read Robin's  Read More 
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Amazon.com (Gorilla) and the Future of Book Publishing (part 1)

Here are links to several pieces of essential reading on Amazon and the future of book publishing: Amazon's Hit Man (Brad Stone, Bloomberg Businessweek, 1-25-12)
Publishing’s Ecosystem on the Brink: The Backstory (Authors Guild, 1-31-12)
Amazon and Lightning Source: The End of an Era? (Joel Friedlander, The Book Designer 9-9-11)
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Should political reporters be more than stenographers?

Arthur Brisbane asked readers Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante?, in on his Public Editor's blog for the New York Times (1-12-12). Referring to stories about Clarence Thomas's claim that he had "misunderstood" a financial reporting form when he failed to report his wife's earnings from the Heritage Foundation, and about Mitt Romney's claim that President Obama has a habit of "apologizing" for America) Read More 
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Author alert: Reclaim rights on books pubbed 1978 and after

"There is a provision in the 1978 copyright law that allows authors to reclaim rights to their books after 35 years," writes Mike Shatzkin in paragraph 17 of an interesting post about book publishing. "Titles published in 1978 become eligible for reversion, called 'recapture' apparently, starting in 2013. (With logic that is  Read More 
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Gratitude (Louie Schwartzberg)

Get a cup of tea and allow yourself ten minutes to which this beautiful 10-minute video by Louie Schwartzberg, a secular sermon of sorts, combined with visuals for meditation. Gratitude Click on bottom right corner to see full-screen image

If for some reason you get a DIFFERENT video, about a Grandfather's Journal, that's a fluke of this Authors Guild software. Go instead to:

Louis Schwartzberg, Gratitude
Beautiful time-motion views of nature and, later, of people and an elder talking about how to appreciate a day

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